Saturday, May 2, 2009

Online Forum Participation

I have joined a few online forums that I refer to quite a bit when I am lesson planning.
The first is a Yahoo! group for Middle School Science teachers.  I have only asked one question on this forum but I received several suggestions for a chromotography exercise with my students. Membership is required but not too difficult to sign up for.

Another forum I signed up with is the  Teach-Nology teacher forum. My state mentor suggested this resource.  I have implemented a series of closure exercises for formative assessment with my students.  The closure exercises were based on some entries that were actually in the forum archives.  I find that most of my questions can already be answered by a search of the forum.

Finally, in another MAT class, Alaska History: People and Resources and the Curriculum Development course we use a forum for turning in our assignments.  Again, you need to have an account for this one, so I have not included a link here.  By reading our classmates' entries we are able to cover a lot of area without doing redundant research. This is more relevant to our MAT experience but I hope to incorporate some things I have learned there in the classroom.

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