By looking at the UL electric nameplates I got the maximum wattage each appliance uses. For example, when a refrigerator starts up it surges a bit and then settles into a lower energy use cycle. Our inverter is designed for this, 6000 watts max with a 2400 watt continuous load. So the watts I have listed on the spreadsheet really represent the maximum input the appliance would ever require. For example, for my desktop PC tower to ever use 600 watts, everything would have to be running: all of the drives and some intensive number crunching. I also have an old school CRT monitor.
I included the (potential) annual kilowatt hours from each appliance to get an idea of the savings we could incur by going off of the 52 cent per kWh grid. This annual calculation would be better served by looking at the power bills from our last residence, roughly $250-$300 per month.
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